Tag Archives: Florida

My daughter, The Bird Lady

24 Feb

While waiting for Loo Loo at the doctor’s one day, Jayna and I met Nana and Popop at a park…where we also met Bubba, the Bird Guy and his flock.  I was a little terrified (mostly of getting pooped on), but Jayna wasn’t intimidated! 

Then Buggy and Nana practiced their bubble blowing skills. 

And after our grueling vacation in Florida, we came home to a relaxing (but short) weekend with Mom Mom!  Where Jayna recovered by doing some yoga.

Rough life! =)


Greetings from Sunny Florida!

14 Feb

Hey y’all!  Clear skies and 62 this morning when I got up and ate my Cheerios and strawberries (That was for you Nana!).  Buggy and I are really enjoying our vacation with Loo Loo.  We’ve been able to see Nana and Popop almost everyday so far as well, which has been great!  On Saturday, we spent the day at the Naples Zoo.  Jayna loved spending some time with her Nana. 

And she and Popop would look at the map to determine what animals we saw next.

Some of our favorites were seeing a leopard up close.  Lindsay even got a surprise smell as the leopard sprayed her while marking his territory!  So, does that mean you’re spoken for now, Linds?!?!?

Loo Loo had a rough day at the zoo….in addition to being sprayed by the leopard, she also nearly got pooped on by a bird, and was hissed at by this big guy!

We also saw two of the male tigers duking it out over a tigress (through a fence), which caused the lions and other big cats to start roaring too!  It’s unclear whether Loo Loo started the fight as well, or not!

Another highlight was taking a boat ride around some islands on Victoria Lake in the zoo, which is where all the monkeys live, uncaged!  Loo Loo and Jayna wished they were monkeys!

Jayna also loved the Florida Panther exhibit, especially the sandbox area, where she and Popop made panther tracks in the sand.

But I think her favorite part of the zoo was chasing her shadow!  Who needs exotic animals?!?!?

And I think the playground was Loo Loo’s favorite part!

Needless to say, it was a great time, and we all slept well that night!


M.I.A. in Florida!

11 Feb

Jayna and I decided we needed a vacation, so we are in sunny (but still a little chilly) Florida visiting Loo Loo for the week.  Don’t worry, I’ll check in and post pictures as I can.  Oh!  And don’t worry about Dave either….I left him with a long Honey-Do List! =)