Tag Archives: New Year’s Resolution

March Cleaning Calendar

1 Mar

Happy March!  Here’s your cleaning assignments for the month!  Please leave me comments with things you like/dislike about it, or anything you’d like me to add!  There are always plenty of cleaning/organizing things to do each month, and I don’t want to forget any!

Click HERE for the full sized document.  Feel free to use and share, but please link back to this post if you do!  Thanks

I don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions

1 Jan

However, I do feel a sense of renewal at the beginning of every new year.  I feel obligated to get all the junk food out of my house.  Not to resolve to eat healthier necessarily (although I should), but I figure if I purge all of the Christmas goodies by January 1st, then at least I’m off to a good start.  And too bad in my house, we don’t like to waste, so by “purging” I mean “eating.”  So, I’m having a snack as I type! =)

On that note, I do not pledge to drop 20 pounds….but since I have been “purging” for the last week and a half….I do promise to call my trainer.  And maybe even show up for a session or two!

And finally, you’d think that since we’ve only been living in our new house for 4 months, it would be spotless and clutter-free.  Not so.  We have already had four major social events which required us to shove random things that hadn’t been unpacked into the corners of our new abode.  Where they stayed.  And I can’t remember where I put them.  Or what “they” were.  So, I do not pledge to keep my house clean, or even have a weekend overhaul to de-clutter.  I do however, crave a schedule.  I guess it’s my type A (slightly OCD) personality that craves some order.  I was so good when Jayna was born…..I could spout exactly when she ate, napped and pooped to anyone who even glanced my way.  Now, when the pediatrician asks me how many times Amelia naps a day…..I hang my head in shame and make up a number (um, three?).  Don’t even ask me about number of diapers….it’s just autopilot for those!

So this week I have been on a mission to find or create somewhat of a schedule.  I feel like it’s so easy for my days to get away from me….I have every intention to clean the house, get the girls dressed, shower, blog, make the beds, do a craft or two, make a healthy homemade dinner, sew a couple of burpcloths, and take a nap….every day.  And then, it’s 6pm and NONE of that has happened and I have three hungry children  two hungry children and a hubby to deal with.  I need to tap into my Special Education days and get me a schedule!!!

After posting a cry for help on my Facebook page, my friend Christy did some of the leg work for me and pointed me to Time Warp Wife’s weekly cleaning schedule.  It’s printable and very basic.  A good start, although I will have to tweak some of the days…but generally what I am looking for.  Another site Christy showed me was My Simpler Life.  Even better!  She has a free downloadable calendar for January that has 31 random things to do to clean up and de-clutter your house (like cleaning the tops of your cabinets!), but it’s just one thing a day, so it seems pretty manageable.

(Click to go to see the full document from mysimplerlife.com)

I just need to add in our personal schedule to these too, to figure out where to fit in these little chores, on top of my usual stuff that doesn’t get done. Hmmm…

Here is another one that I found and liked:

(courtesy of lifes-a-journal.com)

But after searching for three days…I couldn’t find that perfect one….so I just made one.  I wanted a decorative one to hang on my new fridge file (from Mead…bought from Target).

It has three clear pockets, but since they are double-sided, I have the possibility of having 6 available display spaces.  So, I decided to do a daily schedule in Excel.  It seems pretty rigid (and complicated) at first glance….but really it just condenses Jayna, Amelia and my schedules all into one.  Hopefully it will give our days a little more structure.  I’m sure this will end up being a rough draft, but here’s what it looks like for now:

(If you would like an editable version of this schedule, please leave me a comment…for a closer look, click on the picture!)

So I figure, this will be one page of my fridge file.  I also made a monthly calendar with one small item each day to do on it.

(If you would like an editable version of this schedule, please leave me a comment…for a closer look, click on the picture!)

My plan for now is to use the daily schedule as a guide for being productive on a daily basis, and in addition to that, trying to accomplish the one small housekeeping item in my monthly cleaning calendar as well.  We’ll give it a try this month, and I’ll let you know how it goes!  If you end up using any of my schedules, please leave me some feedback so I can tweak accordingly to help y’all out….and please link back to this post if you repost on your blog or pin me!  Thanks!

Happy New Year!

P.S. I’m linking up this week!

NOT my handiwork!

27 Dec

I just want to say, that yes, I am feeling pretty good about cutting Dave’s hair.  I, however have NOT yet attempted to cut Amelia’s hair.  Seems as though she has been taking care of that herself!

But alas, she really has taken after her sister….rat-tail and all!  Jayna had the same issue and I let it slide until she was about 9 months old.  Then I snipped that tail off myself, before subjecting her to her first real haircut with Ms. Kelly when she was a year.  Family-do you remember these pics of Jayna?

Terrible, isn’t it?  My New Year’s Resolution this year just may be to get my kid’s hair cut!