Tag Archives: Jesus

Attack of the Bunny Haters

10 Apr

So I was perusing my bloggy friends’ sites last night and came across Jon Acuff’s posting about Easter.  Now, I’m a bit biased since he is my BFF from Blissdom, but I really do enjoy reading his stuff.  He just has a way of grabbing your attention, and pulling you in to get a really great message.  In this case, here’s what grabbed my attention…and made me go to his site.

So at first, I was really afraid that this was Jon’s opinion about the Easter Bunny.  But, as I read on, it turns out a friend of his had gotten this picture as a POSTCARD from a CHURCH as an INVITATION to their EASTER service.  Hmmmm…as Jon pointed out, I really hope that the kids didn’t check the mail that day!

As a mom, I struggle with this concept as well.  I mean, I would never wish ill-will to any four-legged friend (especially a bunny….because they are just so stinkin’ cute!!).  However, how to integrate Jesus’ resurrection AND the Easter Bunny into one fun-filled holiday is a challenge.  Especially when you have a precocious three-year old who has a lot of questions.  Jayna and I had a little date yesterday afternoon.

We went to the playground and talked about Jesus.  She asked me about his life, what he looked like and who he played with.  We talked about how Easter is the celebration of Jesus  going up to Heaven to live with God and how much he loves us.  I told her that is the biggest reason we celebrate Easter, but that we honor Jesus’s life by celebrating all new life.  Which would include all things spring….flowers blooming, baby animals, etc.  We listed some baby animals, and she was able to make the connection between the baby chicks and eggs.  So hopefully I did a good job at trying to integrate both Jesus and the Easter Bunny while still keeping the emphasis on Jesus.  We’ll see, and I’m sure that with every year will come new questions!

But for now,  Jayna knows how much Jesus loves her (which is the most important thing for her to know right now, I think) and we can continue to be Bunny Lovers in this house too!

How do you deal with Easter Bunny confusion each year??

The Living Christmas Story

12 Dec

Every year our church begins the holiday season by giving a gift to our whole community.  They close the perimeter of the church for three nights, and transform the parking lot there into a living Bethlehem….what it would have looked like the night of Jesus’ birth.  The cast members walk around and engage with each other, completely in character….ignoring the thousands of cars that slowly pass through over the three nights.  Our town is practically shut down as traffic is re-routed to accomodate the 2 hour long line of cars waiting to drive through and catch a glimpse of the newborn king. Each year we participate….usually as villagers or shephards wandering through the marketplace or keeping watch over the live sheep.  But this year was special.  We happened to be one of the few families in the church who had an infant….so we were honored to play Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus in the Nativity Scene.

Don’t worry, Jayna wasn’t left out…she still got to be a villager with Sue Sue!  For those of you who couldn’t see it in person, here’s some shoddy pictures I was able to grab while riding through during a break.  Sorry they aren’t better!

Jayna sees the bright North Star (aka a ginormous spotlight), calling all of the Lowcountry to come see the story of Baby Jesus’ birth.

 The census-takers count all who enter the town of Bethlehem.

Roman Guards stand at the gates to Bethlehem.

Gabriel tells young Mary that she will be expecting a baby, and to name him Jesus.

King Herrod hearing the rumor about the Savior being born.

Joseph and pregnant Mary rest on the side of the road.

An angel tells the Good News to shephards watching their flock.

The blacksmith and his apprentices in Bethlehem.

Women at the well gossip about a tiny king that was reportedly born in a stable nearby.

Families mend the nets and attempt to sell fish.

Calling villagers into the temple.

Women and children barter for rugs, fruit, bread and baskets in the marketplace….while trying to avoid the Roman Guards.

The Innkeeper and his wife turn villagers away from their inn…there is no room.

Mary and Joseph admire Baby Jesus, as the three kings offer gifts as the shephards and livestock look on.

The excited chatter of the village fades away as the cars drive past the Nativity and into the darkness.  To the left is a silent, lit cross.

And to the right…an empty tomb….reminding us that Christ’s birth was just the beginning of the story.

Merry CHRISTmas!