Tag Archives: Project

House Manager: Project Planner

16 Apr

Recently I’ve been feeling a little lost in our house.  Yes, it’s a much bigger house than we used to live in, but I’m talking emotionally lost here.  I’m overwhelmed by projects, chores, and the need for organization.  So I’ve been doing a little research on House Managers.  Although I wish it meant “Housekeeper” or “Maid,” it actually is a binder that contains all of a family’s important information.  It has everything from medical information for babysitters, to car maintenance logs, to project planners, to meal plans.  It can contain as little or as much as a family needs to stay organized.  It also is a great resource in case of emergency….one thing to grab with everyone’s information in it.

I think that the idea of a House Manager is fabulous!  And it’s so organized it makes me happy!  So I’ve decided to create my own.  I found a ton on pinterest and on various blogs, which gave me ideas on some of the sections I’d like to include….but overall, I wasn’t finding exactly what I was looking for.  So, I’m making my own.  Thought I’d share with you!  Because I’m making these for my own personal use, I’m gonna give you access to the files, but unfortuantely, you won’t be able to edit them.  But feel free to print them out and use them for your own personal use!  I got all the little buttons as free downloads from the digital scrapbooking site, Shabby Princess.  And I got the fonts (Pea Johanna) from Kevin & Amanda…also free.  So technically, you can make your own version of these as well!

My House Manager will consist of the following sections:

Family Information
Cleaning and Organization
Food and Meals
Emergency Resources
Car Maintenance
Projects and Blogs

And I’m sure I’ll think of more as I go along!  To start off, here’s my Project Planner Template.  Enjoy!

Here’s where I’m linking up this week! 


My entry into Craft and Tell @ Cherished Bliss is sponsored by Appliances Online and the Bosch Washing Machines